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Water Quality Preventative Maintenance Program

June 14 2016





In a continuing effort to improve water quality, the City of Burlington, along with several other Triad communities, will conduct a routine water quality preventative maintenance program June 26th through August 1st 2016. As a water purchaser from the City of Burlington, the Town of Haw River will also be involved in this program. This process will involve a temporary switch from present chloramines to chlorine in order to optimize water quality in our distribution systems. The process change is strongly recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the state to preserve water quality by ensuring persistent disinfection levels exist in the distribution system. In the summer of 2011, water utilities changed their disinfection process for drinking water from chlorination to chloramination. The conversion was implemented to ensure the utilities met new water quality regulations. The new regulations placed more stringent standards on drinking water quality. Chloraminated and chlorinated water is safe for everyday use, however three groups should take special precautions when using chloraminated or chlorinated water: kidney dialysis patients, fish, pond, and amphibian owners, and specialized businesses.


More information can be found at  Greensboro Water Resources or through contacting the Town.


Water Quality Preventative Maintenance


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